Monday, September 30, 2019

Faith is trusting God has a plan for YOU & it is better than anything YOU could ever imagine

We’ve all had those days when nothing seems to be going right.   The dog peed down stairs, your kid wont put on their shoes, or the dishwasher leaked all over the floor, putting you 20 minutes late leaving the house.  In a hurried mess you rush to work already aggravated that nothing was going right.  On your way you pass a wreck and pray that no one was hurt.  Take a second and thank God for the crazy mess of a morning you just had.  If you would have been on time that could have put you in that same area at the time of the crash.  We do not realize Gods plan for us at the time, sometimes things happen to us that we just don’t understand.  Maybe you got passed up for a promotion that you know you would have been great at, broke an arm, gained weight, or broke up with your first love.  Each one of these situations can cause you to be angry, heartbroken, disappointed, and leave feelings of unfairness.  It's just like that old saying “hindsight is 20/20”.  Looking back you may realize how lucky you where that you didn't get that promotion.  Maybe it opened up another door for an even greater opportunity, or someone was brought in that you could learn from and grow (good or bad).  When you broke your arm, you were aggravated with the pain and the inconvenience it caused.  Now you know that you can lean on people for help in your time of need.  If you have gained weight lately.  Don’t let that hurt your body image.  Take this as an opportunity to dive into your health and diet to better yourself and your family.  Maybe your hurting from a breakup from someone you were seeing.  Please take comfort in knowing that the one God has chosen for you is still out there & waiting to meet you.  Or who knows maybe you have already met and it just wasn't the right time, yet.  Each day little and big things are put in our paths so that we can grow and learn from them.  Giving us the opportunity to change little things.  such as tidying up our house or changing our schedules so that we can leave earlier and not in a rush.  If we learn and grow from every situation we can motivate and help others around us.  We also have to be patient.  You may be in the middle of a situation that you just can’t see why this is happening.  Don't despair you are not quit able to have that "20/20 hind sight" yet.  Look for a way to learn from what is happening or an opportunity to share with someone what you are going through.  Use your experience to motivate or encourage someone around you.  Remember that we may not realize why right now, but later we will.

Please God be with us this week.  Help us to be patient with you and YOUR plan for us.  Help us to realize why we were meant to go through these struggles.  With your help Lord we know we will grow into the person you intended us to be.  In your precious name.  Amen

Monday, September 23, 2019

Finding Joy & Peace in Our Everyday Conversations.

This is one of my favorite quotes, and one that most of us struggle with daily.  We all have our words, phrases, people or actions that immediately irritate us.  I have found my self instantly mad at someone even if I was in a great mood just a few seconds before, just because they said something with tone, or repeated a phrase or action that they have been repeatedly asked not to.  God wants us to listen to others and speak only kind and encouraging words.  How many times have you caught yourself interrupting someone to put in your two cents?  Did you think about what you are saying?  What is the affect it would have on the conversation?  Will it leave the other person feeling encouraged or thoughtful?  Did it even have anything to do with what the other person was saying?  We all have those people we know who always have something to say even if they know nothing about the conversation.  Leaving you feel unheard or even angry to have spoken to them.  Listening is a hard skill to master, but it also has the greatest rewards.  You will find better relationships and opportunities, if you choose to listen before you speak.  I also encourage you to pray before any meetings or conversations asking God to guide your words.  If you find yourself in a conversation that is one-sided, silently pray that you can find meaning in what they have to say or that they will listen to you.  We have the opportunity to wake up everyday, with every conversation, with every word spoken and choose to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger.  With Gods help you and I can listen to others, speak kind and encouraging words that lift up each conversation we have, and stop getting angry with every little thing.

Please God be with us today and tomorrow as we wake up and go through our days.  Please help us to listen to others and encourage them in your Godly ways.  Help us to be slow to anger and find joy and peace in the conversations we have everyday.

Monday, September 16, 2019

God already knows your path!

I truly believe that God has a special path for each one of us.  As we reach a cross roads we have free will to choose any direction.  However only one way will lead you to your true calling, bringing you happiness and fulfillment.  Take a second each morning and ask God to guide you on your path.  For each one of us our paths looks different.  Somedays the path will be smooth as fresh pavement where you can run with out fear of falling.  Other days it will be a steep rocky mountain trail where you have to carefully work your way to the top.  You may even find your self at a cliff with two options, take a leap of faith and soar or turn back and make your way down the mountain.  Depending on how much we choose to put in our backpacks will determine how fast we go along these paths.  For each one of us we have experiences and hardships or visions of what success is that we refuse to let go.  Choosing to pack them in our backpacks and lugging them along our paths.  I urge you to put down your luggage and trust in the Lord to guide you.  God will give you everything you need along your way.   I leave you with a thought from a friend of mine, “everything happens for you not to you.”  With this simple statement we can grow and change into the people we were meant to be. 

Please lord God be with us this week as we travel along the path you have chosen for us.  Help us to put down our backpacks that are weighing us down and guide us to the perfect path you have chosen for us.  Bringing us fulfillment and happiness.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Words ARE Powerful

Our words are our greatest weapons.  They can either be the sharpest sword and cut through the heart of the people around us or they can be healing and uplifting.    You might hear or say “Great job- I really appreciate your help in getting this project done and on time,” making those who hear it feel accomplished and needed.  Noticing how hard your wife or husband is working on that weekend project saying “wow, look at what you have accomplished.” will encourage them and they will want to keep going.  Likewise making a comment to your spouse at your son’s soccer game about how awkward that boy runs.  Although you didn’t mean anything by it and will probably not even think about it again.  It was overheard by the boy’s parents, slicing their hearts with such pain and allowing them to think about it many times over living again through the pain.  Please be aware of everything that comes out of your mouth.  It is amazing what can affect someone’s thinking, body image, pride, or general worth.  A simple comment that is said in passing or in a meeting can stick with someone even if it was not intended to.  However as we open our hearts to God and allow him to lead our conversations and his words flow through our lips.  We will be able to encourage others in a way that we could not have done alone. 

Please God be with us as we go through this week and make us aware of our thoughts and words.  Please God with your help let our words flow with encouragement and kindness.  Help us to grow into inspiring leaders through our words encouraging all who hears them.  In Jesus name amen.