Monday, September 23, 2019

Finding Joy & Peace in Our Everyday Conversations.

This is one of my favorite quotes, and one that most of us struggle with daily.  We all have our words, phrases, people or actions that immediately irritate us.  I have found my self instantly mad at someone even if I was in a great mood just a few seconds before, just because they said something with tone, or repeated a phrase or action that they have been repeatedly asked not to.  God wants us to listen to others and speak only kind and encouraging words.  How many times have you caught yourself interrupting someone to put in your two cents?  Did you think about what you are saying?  What is the affect it would have on the conversation?  Will it leave the other person feeling encouraged or thoughtful?  Did it even have anything to do with what the other person was saying?  We all have those people we know who always have something to say even if they know nothing about the conversation.  Leaving you feel unheard or even angry to have spoken to them.  Listening is a hard skill to master, but it also has the greatest rewards.  You will find better relationships and opportunities, if you choose to listen before you speak.  I also encourage you to pray before any meetings or conversations asking God to guide your words.  If you find yourself in a conversation that is one-sided, silently pray that you can find meaning in what they have to say or that they will listen to you.  We have the opportunity to wake up everyday, with every conversation, with every word spoken and choose to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger.  With Gods help you and I can listen to others, speak kind and encouraging words that lift up each conversation we have, and stop getting angry with every little thing.

Please God be with us today and tomorrow as we wake up and go through our days.  Please help us to listen to others and encourage them in your Godly ways.  Help us to be slow to anger and find joy and peace in the conversations we have everyday.

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