Monday, January 6, 2020

Isn’t it funny sometimes how quickly we forget about God when life is rolling right on by in high gear?  Things are going so well that we just forget about the creator momentarily.  It happens to the best of us at time.  We forget the true reason that we were designed and placed on this earth, to serve God. 

Life is interesting, when we are born we completely depend on someone else for our every need.  Soon we begin to walk and gain confidence quickly.  Shortly after that, we begin to talk that’s about the time we start to loose control.  Then a little after, we are so confident in our own abilities that we stop listening to others and take our own advice.  We start preaching without any true knowledge. This continues to some of us for quite a while, for others they learn quickly, and other may never learn and spend their entire life spewing garbage. 

I find it funny watching my kids growing through their different stages.  One of them is extremely honest.  They would tell you if they took a toothpick from the drawer.  On the other hand if one of them believes that they will get into trouble from their actions or words they will do their best to cover them up.  I have another one that says something so much that they truly believe that’s its true, even if it’s not.  I understand that it’s only a stage for each of them, but I still pray earnestly for them daily.  To be honest I have dealt with people in the past who acted the same.  All I could do to help them was to offer prayers. 

God is in control, and God can do anything.  He can move mountains, make anyone a leader, turn a shepherd into the king, or even make a giant fish swallow and spit out a person on command.  God is the light of this of this world. He is the reason that we exist.  He is the reason for every season, and he can save anyone.

God we come to you today, not to ask for you anything but to offer you our assistance in any way possible to serve you. You know what our strengths are and you know how we can best serve you.  We pray that you help us to realize our true potential and our true calling at this moment in our lives.  God we know that our calling can change in an instant.  However we pray that help us to listen to you.  We pray that help those who are in need and we also pray that you will continue to guide our words, actions, and yes our thoughts.  Help us to live the righteous life you desire for us.  Help us to push our anger and resistance off to the side and follow you with our whole body including our hearts.  We thank you for giving us a purpose! We thank you for your sacrifices for us! We thank you for being there for us when we need you, which lord is all the time for me. 
Thank you.

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