Monday, June 22, 2020

Doubt are satin's seeds

Day after day, in the temple courts and from house to house, they never stopped teaching and proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the Messiah.

Of all the credentials Jesus had to support his claims to be the Messiah and God’s Son, one of the most profound is often overlooked: how his life fulfilled so many ancient prophecies.

The Old Testament, written over a period of a thousand years, contains sixty major messianic prophecies and approximately 270 ramifications that were fulfilled in one person, Jesus Christ. Using the science of probability, we find the chances of just forty-eight of these prophecies being fulfilled in one person to be only 1 in 10157.

So how can people still believe that he was not the messiah?

Satin has a plan and that is to plant seeds of doubt in your mind.  The same way he did in many before Christ’s crucifixion.  Satin wants us to have doubt that God exists & even more that Christ wasn’t really the messiah.  Those seeds of doubt sprout, grow and can even mature if we allow them to.  We allow them to mature the results are devastating. 

The good news is that we can kill satin’s seeds of doubt before they ever sprout.  The best way to do that is to stay strong prayer and read the bible often.  Another great way to stop doubt is to surround yourself with people who are believers.  I can tell you from experience that when you allow yourself to be around negative people too often then you start to become a negative person.  The same thing happens when we surround ourselves with positive God-fearing friends.  We become more positive and work together to be more Christ like in our own lives.

I encourage you to look at your actions and who you surround yourself with and ask this question, If you were put on trial for being a Christian what would the verdict be?

Lord we come to you today with a greatful heart.  We are greatful that we have the choice to kill satins seeds of doubt.  We are greatful that you give us the tools to make it easier to make sure we don’t allow those seeds to mature.  Lord we also ask that you help us to make sure to squish those doubts as soon as we recognize them.  we ask that you place people in our lives that help give us the strength to be more like your son. We are so thankful that you sent your son to us and gave us ample evidence that he is the messiah.  Thank you for everything that you give to us every day!

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